Attune to the Moon
New Moon Women's Circles
held virtually over at
We are governed by the moon. Allow yourself to slow down and attune to Her rhythm which matches your natural cycle and pulls the tides within. New moon, new cycle. She is dark and mysterious, listen. It is the perfect time to go inward, let go, get clear and set intentions. In this potent energy we begin to conjure forth (re)new(ed) reality. Story after story is told of women gathering on the new moon, empowering each other and supporting each other in the direction of their dreams. It feels right to welcome all genders in this day and age. Why would we hold back wisdom from anyone?
We are leading in a new way. We are healing. Come. Magic Happens when we gather.
New Moon Gatherings
register over at Attune to the Moon
**Bring a journal, pen and something for the altar**

I have adopted a new perspective. Grandmother Moon didn't grant my wishes over night, but I did ask for courage and clarity and I'm getting it. Thank you!"
- Jen, Mama