Full Moon in Sagittarius, Sun in Gemini

Sagittarius is the mystic, the truth hunter, the archetype of Artemis. They wield a certain kind of magic and mystery that is unparalleled in the rest of the zodiac. Sagittarians are optimistic, Free-Spirits with a love for socializing, belly shaking laughter and spontaneous adventure. They tend to be leaders in their communities because of their high levels of integrity while maintaining a mystical magnetism and unassuming charm. Their Humanitarian ways give hope for the future, displayed by how they see life a little differently and a unique way of Being in their communities and the world. They can be fiercely independent and have a way of speaking straight forward truth that people can actually hear.
Sagittarius Full Moons are notable for their focused arrow pointing on their Heart’s Mission. They are sweet and expansive typically and this one is too – you might just have to do some work to get there.
At 18, almost 19° of Sagittarius, this full moon is drudging our shadow, old wounds, triggers and subconscious patterns to the surface. You catch yourself reaching for your classic numbing agents? Call yourSelf out on it! Choose to stay present. It might make for a tough moment, but it is the exact moment you need to alter those belief systems that hold you back from your Highest Truth.
With the moon in a mutable fire sign and the sun in a mutable air sign, plus three planets changing signs this week AND Jupiter going direct shortly after this moon goes Full… this is definitely a time of transformation. The alchemy of fire working on the Spirit, paired with the changing winds of the mind is a perfect blend for deep, lasting alterations of belief systems through perspective shifts. The hunt for truth and the willingness to see (stand in that fire) are part of the perfect recipe to allow that to happen.
Mercury and Venus are in their home signs of Gemini and Taurus respectively. Watch how your communication, business, travel, inner peace, prosperity and abundance refine over the next month or so. Especially so since Gemini and the throat chakra are pals.
When looking at the full moon, we also need to look at the ruling planet of the sign the moon is in: Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, evolution, growth and High teachings. As Jupiter stations direct today, remember to see your life from this expanded view so that whatever is triggering you and challenging you is seen as tools of transformation rather than something out to get you. Allow yourself to be seen and vulnerable. Mercury in Gemini is granting us the gift of more ease in our communication, Venus in Taurus drops us into our sensitive and intuitive self - if you are feeling something, this might be a perfect time to clear it and heal.
Just as we get reprieve from Jupiter moving himSelf out of the intensity of opposing Uranus for a moment in time, Uranus trines this moon and Saturn ensuring that we still get a hit of these spontaneous awakenings. Along with the Sun at 18/19° Gemini, this tells of something waiting to surprise you to ruffle your plans or perceptions for the sake of igniting your next mission as long as you’re willing to stay present and stand in that fire.
Saturn is still in this slow motion retrograde at 24/25° Sagittarius making for a conjunction with this full moon. Saturn is not quite in his home stretch yet. He’ll continue traveling retrograde until August 25th shortly after the fall eclipses before starting his final stretch toward Capricorn. Saturn will put restrictions on this otherwise expansive full moon. At 25° Sagittarius he his teaching us to not take things so personal, trust the flow of your life and that what is being presented is exactly what you need to mature and awaken. Let these lessons move through you with the impermanence of life front and center in your awareness. This is will create more ease while you walk across the hot coals, so the ego can burn leaving the Essential self healthy and whole. As Saturn often does – he’s asking us to grow up and take responsibility for our lives and emotions.
It may be of interest to be reminded that when a planet is stationing direct, these are often the more potent times of the entire retrogrades and set a groove for how things will go for the rest of this cycle. How are you showing up in your relationships? Are you seeing them as a mirror for your Spiritual work? Or are you projecting your sh*t on them? Are you being tender with the ones you love?
Mars is freshly in Cancer which may inspire you to bring more heart and Soul to your work. You might notice more nurturing attention arise to ensure everyone is taken care of and supported into their independence matched with an introverted attention to tend to your own heart-filled passions.
With love ~
Jana Roemer