Equinox ∞ Astrological New Year ∞ Aries Season ∞ Libra Full Moon

Art: @inter.stelarry
Lots to report on the Astrological Weather! There’s a high chance of discombobulation as the day balances the night. Even the global weather patterns and the ocean currents go through a reorganization around this day. Today we moved through the last degree of the zodiac, steeping in the pregnant pause of death & rebirth. Experience turns to wisdom as we embody the knowledge we gained from this cycle through the zodiac. Many battles have been playing out in all the uncomfortable topics that we may or may not have been willing to face, yet as we go through this birth canal into a new Astro year + are forced to face ourselves yet again, there is so much to learn. A huge opportunity to grow. It’s no surprise to me that we are starting this Astro Year with quite the punch where there is a choice (realized or not), to stay in our stories of blame, shame + battle as we have been conditioned over our life time, OR we can settle back into our witness Self & reflect: Is this worth the fight or is there something for me to learn through surrendering & watching it all unfold. There is a time & a place for both. Sometimes it is about facing off with another stating needs or boundaries and other times is it’s about facing off with ourselves & owning our role in the mess we find ourselves in. Sometimes it’s worth the battle & other times the only move is to give love. Aries sun / Libra moon Mars / Venus Masculine / feminine Do / receive Battle / beauty Me / We Mars is remembering creature comforts & getting romanced in Taurus while Venus is beyond time and space, connected to Source Consciousness in Aquarius studying the codes to bring home Humanity’s awakening. With the sun conjunct Chiron, we’re being asked to face the wound within & learn the song we’re meant to sing that will help us heal. There’s a good chance that what the other is triggering in you, is purely to illuminate your inner work to heal. What if we paused long enough to release anyone else from their responsibility to help us overcome what we haven’t wanted to face ourselves? Because this full moon lands on Spring Equinox after a series of long moons void of course, it feels to be a powerful time of surrender. To let go of the old battles we’ve beat with a stick far too long. To agree to disagree & drop some emotional weight so we can step a little more lightly into what’s to come. This Astro year packs a punch. We have Pluto & Saturn coming together on Capricorn ⇝ political upheaval across the globe. The dissolving & rebuilding of new systems & structures in everything from medical care, to schools, to governmental systems. Personally, I don’t want to create from the same energy as we got ourselves into the current mess. It feels more productive to say: Well, shit! That didn’t work. What would? What kind of world do I / you WANT to live in? And start from there. The the naivety of an infant & the eagerness of a child, yet with the wisdom of an elder who’s seen many life cycles come & go and in great consideration for each other as we revive what community and relationship means to us. It’s a time of new beginnings. We can burn some stories to the ground this Aries season, so we can rebuild in newly fertilized soils. Initiate what you want to see in this world. There has never been a better time to get involved in this dance of life & step up your game. It may be an individual journey, but we’re in this together.
The Libra Season Astro Nidra is perfect to help integrate this full moon energy. Love you Moon Lovers!!